Current auctions

Autofind Stock Locator (13234)
McLaren Automotive Online eAuction LHD
McLaren Automotive Online eAuction RHD (4)
Dealer Exclusive Stock Auction
Aston Martin eAuction
Porsche Cars GB eAuction
Dealer Exclusive Stock Auction
Porsche Cars GB eAuction
McLaren Automotive Online eAuction LHD
McLaren Automotive Online eAuction RHD
McLaren Automotive Online eAuction RHD Unprepared
Aston Martin eAuction
Porsche Cars GB eAuction
Dealer Exclusive Stock Auction

About the auction

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How does the auction work? finds the dealer amongst the 2,000 + registered dealers, that are willing to pay the highest price for your car. Your car can be sold within a few days- you only have to pay the commission if your car is sold via No sale no charge! All you need to do is fill out our user-friendly description form and set your reserve price. You are the only one who knows your reserve price. When the dealers make their bids, they are informed whether their bid is above or below the reserve price - allowing them to choose whether or not they want to increase their bid. If a dealer bids above the reserve price, he has effectively bought the car but this is only the case until another dealer places a higher bid. In this way you are assured that the car will be sold at the highest possible price at the auction. If a dealer's bid places a higher bid than another dealer, the first dealer is automatically notified and can decide whether he wishes to bid again. In this way, the auction ensures that you receive the optimal market price for your car - you automatically find the buyer who is willing to pay the most.


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